Class DockerLogsContainer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, ExtensionAware, Task, Configurable<Task>

    public class DockerLogsContainer
    extends DockerExistingContainer
    Copies the container logs into standard out/err, the same as the `docker logs` command. The container output to standard out will go to standard out, and standard err to standard err.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DockerLogsContainer

        public DockerLogsContainer()
    • Method Detail

      • getFollow

        public final Property<Boolean> getFollow()
        Set to true to follow the output, which will cause this task to block until the container exists. Default is unspecified (docker defaults to false).
      • getTailAll

        public final Property<Boolean> getTailAll()
        Set to true to copy all output since the container has started. For long running containers or containers with a lot of output this could take a long time. This cannot be set if #tailCount is also set. Setting to false leaves the decision of how many lines to copy to docker. Default is unspecified (docker defaults to true).
      • getTailCount

        public final Property<Integer> getTailCount()
        Limit the number of lines of existing output. This cannot be set if #tailAll is also set. Default is unspecified (docker defaults to all lines).
      • getShowTimestamps

        public final Property<Boolean> getShowTimestamps()
        Set to the true to include a timestamp for each line in the output. Default is unspecified (docker defaults to false).
      • getSince

        public final Property<Date> getSince()
        Limit the output to lines on or after the specified date. Default is unspecified (docker defaults to all lines).