All Classes and Interfaces

Class holding metadata for an arbitrary copy-file-to-container invocation.
Build service for Docker client.
Parameters for build service.
The extension for configuring a conventional JVM Docker plugin.
The abstract class for all conventional JVM application plugins.
The extension for configuring the Docker communication via the remote API through the DockerRemoteApiPlugin.
Creates a Dockerfile based on the provided instructions.
Represents a ADD instruction.
Represents a ARG instruction.
Represents a comment instruction.
Represents a COPY instruction.
Represents a CMD instruction.
Represents a ENTRYPOINT instruction.
Represents a ENV instruction.
Represents a EXPOSE instruction.
An instruction whose value is a Dockerfile.File.
Input data for a Dockerfile.FromInstruction.
Represents a FROM instruction.
An instruction that uses the provided value as-is without any additional formatting.
A representation of an instruction in a Dockerfile.
Represents a LABEL instruction.
An instruction whose value is a Map.
Represents a ONBUILD instruction.
Represents a RUN instruction.
An instruction whose value is a String array.
An instruction whose value is a String.
Represents a USER instruction.
Represents a WORKDIR instruction.
Inspects task executed inside container with DockerExecContainer command.
The extension for configuring a Java application via the DockerJavaApplicationPlugin.
Opinionated Gradle plugin for creating and pushing a Docker image for a Java application.
Copies the container logs into standard out/err, the same as the `docker logs` command.
Passes the underlying `docker-java` client to the defined `onNext` closure if it exists.
The extension for configuring the Docker communication via the remote API through the DockerRemoteApiPlugin.
Gradle plugin that provides custom tasks for interacting with Docker via its remote API.
The extension for configuring a Spring Boot application via the DockerSpringBootApplicationPlugin.
Opinionated Gradle plugin for creating and pushing a Docker image for a Spring Boot application.
Class holding metadata for an arbitrary exec livenessProbe.
Class holding metadata for an arbitrary liveness probe.
Original source from Spring Boot's loader tools licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.
A utility class that will collect strings until a new line is encountered.
Utility class to get credentials information from extension of type DockerRegistryCredentials or from $DOCKER_CONFIG/.docker/config.json file.